Wenn ihr mir fragt wo man die besten Schnitzeln essen kann, wie er es mir gefragt hat, würde ich auch antworten. Leider hat Ihn ein Auto erwischt, und ist mit 31 gestorben. |
Ein Jahr in Wien
Videofilm, 11', 2001
click on image for stills from the videofilm
" For a year I came to vienna as host student at the Academy of fine arts. I take entry examination as possibility to start a videofilm, in which I would like to question the image that left Vienna in my experience. "
With this sentence start the film : The image of the city construct itself. This image appears first trough the narration of small daily moments. At that point, The city exists as living space trough little stories.
But the film asks for more : With a quiet logical deconstruction of the narrative structures, the question shifts to the possibility itself of telling experiences : How is it possible to state a daily happening as an original experience of its own ? What for a space is needed to construct and report a experience ?
The film ends with its formal logic. The narration is destroyed. But at that point some images just stays in mind, floating in an undefinied space ; solitary, good for nothing, unsignificant.