This show explores the means of representing the city as a moving space made of temporary fields of forces. Two series of works are captured moments and a third work is a live recording of a move along a line of flight, based on the motives of the two series.
Suspended Matter is a series of baryt prints of cloudy skies with elements of the urban environment: Abstract expressive material above the street level, but still parallel to our own personal constant re-organising of our needs, desires and duties. Exposed Matter are hexagonal vitrine-like sculptures in recycled cardboard presenting sceneries of domestic objects offered/rejected to the street, expecting the city to take care of it, somehow. The city might be portrayed in an endless series of theses combs awaiting the deals to be fulfilled, like Douglas Huebler wanted to make a portrait of everybody (details of the works). Finally the video Transformed Matter explores in a subjective reflexive mode these motives, and leads from home to the fumes of Berlin’s trash burning plant where warmth is sent back to the city.
Show at Annex14, Bern, oct 9 - nov 7 2009, Fotos: Dominique Uldry |
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