Most recent edit on 2006-11-17 14:33:44 by YvesMettler
EuropeSquares / Abstract and real already existing places
Edited on 2006-11-17 14:12:32 by YvesMettler
BookMarks / Websites of interest such as netart, blogs and institutions
ExhibitionsandWorks / Exhibitions and works of art
BookMarks / Websites of interest such as blogs and institutions
WebDocuments / Online documents & specific pages
ExhibitionsandWorks / Exhibitions, works, online documentation or web-based works
Edited on 2006-11-13 21:56:02 by YvesMettler
QuoteCollection / A collection of quotes to flag the field
QuoteCollection / A collection of quotes to be used or not...
Edited on 2006-08-11 19:30:29 by YvesMettler
PhdBibliography / Primary sources of texts, books, publications
BookMarks / Websites of interest such as blogs and institutions
WebDocuments / Online documents & specific pages
ExhibitionsandWorks / Exhibitions, works, online documentation or web-based works
QuoteCollection / A collection of quotes to be used or not...
PhdBibliography / Texts, books, publications
BookMarks / Websites of interest such as blogs and institutions
WebDocuments / Online documents & specific pages
ExhibitionsandWorks / Exhibitions, works, online documentation or web-based, catalogues referring to exhibitions
QuoteCollection / A collection of quote, not translated, to be used or not...
Edited on 2006-08-11 16:31:41 by YvesMettler
QuoteCollection / A collection of quote, not translated, to be used or not...
Edited on 2006-08-11 15:50:30 by YvesMettler
ExhibitionsandWorks / Exhibitions, works, online documentation or web-based, catalogues referring to exhibitions
Exhibitions / Name, website, catalogues referring to exhibitions
Oldest known version of this page was edited on 2006-08-11 12:46:20 by YvesMettler []
Page view:
For the Phd, i present here all the material & documentation i refer to, some wil be reviewed:
WebDocuments / Online documents & specific pages
BookMarks / Websites of interest such as blogs and institutions
Exhibitions / Name, website, catalogues referring to exhibitions
PhdBibliography / Texts, books, publications