This website is mainly in german as the intervention is realized in a german-speaking area (in fact, swiss-german - for whose speaker german is a first foreign language!), however we will try to provide as many informations and mainframe instructions in english to make it possible for other people to intervene in the forums and the construction of this wiki. Any interested person is invited to intervene in its own language, as we know that Europe has to learn to handle its basic condition of a multilingual space.
The translation will be on-the-fly, and will concentrate on the
EuroFaq first, as it gives you the basic instructions to handle this place. You can intervene in
DasForum debating about a possible Europaplatz in Chur, coediting a reflection with the
EuropaPlaetze will give you material on real existing places and abstract ideas, conceptual tools to think about Europe. The Eurolexikon provides a selection of texts about the broader debate on Europe's question.
ProjektChurInterveniert will give you a description of the intervention taking place in the old town of Chur.
As a first step, you can follow her the basic structure of this wiki-website: